Labor market workshop

Does management not understand what HR is talking about?

Would you like to get a complete picture of the current trends in the labor market?

Get involved and make the right decisions together!

We bring the information to your home!

Moreover, on the basis of the information received, the main steps with which existing labor market problems become manageable are jointly formulated.

In the course of our labor recruitment activities, we directly perceive the current changes in the labor market,
therefore, in many cases, we also help our partners as consultants to understand the changes and implement them
necessary steps to solve turnover problems.

The right number of committed employees has a great impact on the effectiveness of a company, revenues and development direction. It is therefore crucial for management to be aware of the market trends currently determining the labor market regarding.

The aim of the workshop is to:

  • the company's management is aware of current trends,
  • process the acquired information in a workshop-like manner and apply it to the situation of your own company. All of this can effectively help decision-making processes affecting the field of HR or even other areas.


Thus, based on this, you can make decisions and prepare processes affecting the area of HR or even other areas.

The theme of the labor market workshop

  • A brief presentation of the TESK group, the purpose of which is for managers to get to know the background of our activities and professional experience.
  • The 4th industrial revolution and its effects on the labor market - how is this market different today than a few years ago?
  • Unemployment and labor shortage at the same time. What is going on in reality?
  • Two sides of the coin: What does the employee want and what does the employer want?
  • The 4 critical factors where recruitment fails and employee retention derails.
  • Fifth element - how can we achieve that our employees remain loyal and even increase productivity in the organization?
  • How can we change this? Possible solutions and tools.
  • References, concrete examples, which situations have been solved with our partners.

The theme of the program can be tailored according to the relevant requests of the given company.

The interactive workshop duration: 2 hours, for a specially agreed management group.

The program Péter Tokár, our labor market expert, owner-manager of the TESK group, holds.

Péter Tokár

Building on Péter Tokár's technical education and experience, he founded TESK in 2002, a recruitment company focusing mainly on the technical field.

Today, TESK is a group of companies consisting of several companies, which, even after 18 years, still focuses purposefully on the acquisition of the workforce. Using his almost two decades of experience, he considers it important to support the HR profession. He shares his knowledge of state-of-the-art recruitment methods with interested parties at his own and external events.

Among other things, he has published in Üzlettárs, Haszon Magazin, Világgazdaság, Menedzser Magazin, gave presentations at the M2 Career School, Klubrádio, the OHE conference, the Wandering Assembly of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Association, the BMF job exchange, and the HVG online recruitment conference. So far, he has provided assistance as a consultant and author to three books on HR related to the name of Ildikó Márton-Koczó.

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