Flexi RPO from TESK Group

Recruiter resource always according to your current needs

Has it ever happened that an additional recruiter or sourcer resource was needed at your company, but not on a permanent basis? How useful would it have been for someone to at least partially take the burden off your shoulders, and as a sourcer to at least help you in recruiting and researching candidates? Or maybe you could take on a few important searches on your own as a recruiter, but you don't need a permanent application because the needs are constantly changing?

Then it's time to introduce the flexi and "community" solution based on resource sharing in recruitment.

The Flexi RPO service offered by TESK Group combines the effectiveness of a professional recruiter resource with its flexibility. You decide for what period you want to use which type of resource and for how many hours per week.

Jobs and resources available in the service

- Sourcer
– E2E Recruiter
- Assistant

The service can be used for 5, 10, 20 or 40 hours per week. Switching between individual packages can be initiated at the end of each month and can be adapted to your current needs.

We will send you the exact pricing of each resource in a separate offer, if you request it by filling out the form below

Here just as an example: the monthly fee for a sourcer resource, for 20 hours a week demand: HUF 990,000 + VAT. The service includes the possibility of using an experienced sourcer employee (with at least 3+ years of experience), the use of the databases required for recruitment, and all the work tools of the sourcer. We provide a detailed weekly report on the sourcer's work.

There is no need to hire your own recruiter

Rent flexibly and save significant sums, which come with hiring, training, and possible downsizing! In the case of the TESK Flexi RPO service, you only pay for useful recruiter hours, which saves you a significant amount of time and money!

Executive recruitment

Request our detailed information and offer here!