Google reviews and the perception of the company

But as an employer, what should we do with negative Google reviews and what can we do for change?

First, there are two important things about analyzing Google reviews:

  1. It will never be perfect for everyone.
  2. Negative people are always louder, and reviews and news with negative content always spread faster.

And that's enough to write about in this chapter. Because the focus is more on what tools we have as employers to change the situation if necessary.

First of all, you can set it so that it is not visible what opinions are about us if there are too many negative reviews. In the short term, this could be a solution. But in the longer term, we must proudly accept user reviews so that the target audience can see who we are. Because the Google evaluation also influences the image of us in the eyes of employees.

Here are a few tips that, if put into practice, we can guarantee to achieve a positive change in relation to Google evaluations

  1. Let's read the negative reviews and analyze them. There is a saying: There is no rattle in the wind if the wind does not blow. So it's worth summarizing them factually and unemotionally, and see if there is any recurring negative criticism, and if so, if it can be changed. For example, if there is repeated feedback that the attitude of a group leader towards his subordinates is below criticism, then it is worth asking the opinion of the employees there on the subject. And if the feedback turns out to be true, then the appropriate organizational changes must be implemented.

2. Collect positive reviews. We ask our staff to take a few minutes and write down what they would highlight. When they give you a 4 or 5 star rating, it means a lot. But if possible, also describe why this assessment was given.

Don't just wait for positive reviews, let's do it. Sweeping problems under the carpet is never a solution. And dare to ask, let's take the time!

Once upon a time…


We had a shoot once. The managers of the commissioning company were afraid that those who would be interviewed would also say negative things.

One interviewed employee was indeed negative. Our cameraman (who is also HR) asked him how long he had been working for the company. Our subject replied that it has been 9 years.

Then he got another question from our colleague: "if you don't like him so much, then why the hell have you been here for 9 years?" There was silence here, and then the answer came. He gave one reason after another why he was still with the company. One of the most usable interviews was finally done with him. He was honest and straightforward. What was needed to be able to address those who might be interested in the work with the completed video.

The Employer brand is built from the inside out, not the other way around. We have to deal with our employees. They carry on the news about us. If it's because the boss there is nice, then that's why. If it's because he can earn well, then that's why. If it's because the HR lady is always so nice, then that's why.

We could write a whole study about this, what we have encountered in the last 20 years.

And here is a simple and quick review collection tool:

At the end of the article, we also recommend a tool that you can use to request an evaluation from the person you go to in the company with the push of a button, or the salesperson can also request it when he meets the customers in person. 

As many meetings or internal interviews as there are, so many positive evaluations can be obtained in seconds. Here click to read how it works.

A simple and elegant solution for collecting positive reviews


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