Today in Hungary, the situation of Small and Medium Enterprises is not easy if they need specialists who can also find work in multinational companies. Hiring a highly qualified engineer or computer scientist requires a completely new approach. In the past, it might have been enough to post a job advertisement and compete with candidates for the position you want to fill, but today this has completely reversed.


Of course, this does not mean that we cannot choose between good candidates or that we should be happy if there is already someone who at least somewhat meets their expectations. It simply means that when hiring a new employee, we have to sell our company to the candidates and arouse their interest.

This is where employer branding, i.e. the construction of the employer's image, comes into play. I am sure that there are countless things in your company that are worth working for and are far ahead of your competitors. By completing the following 7 steps, you can achieve that you are ahead of your competitors and even multi-companies in every aspect.

  1. What is there to love about my company?
    Collect all the things that make your company special, lovable and attractive. These can be professional, benefit-related, team-related, advancement opportunities or professional development, or even the work environment. Anything that makes the company special and better than others. Think about why you like to walk in every day, and even ask your colleagues why they like working at the company. Have a well-articulated and clear message about why it is worth choosing your company.

  2. To be or not to be?
    The next and at the same time one of the most important steps is to create our professional appearance on printed and online surfaces. I am thinking here of Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, professional journals and company career pages. I know there are a lot of people who don't like social media, and you can really like it and not like it, but you can't ignore the fact that these platforms are gaining ground in all areas of the economy and the labor market. If we really want to prevail, we must create a professional appearance on all these surfaces.

  3. I communicate, therefore I am.
    After that, if we already have a career page, a Facebook company profile and a LinkedIn company page, we need to start communicating the message we defined in point 1. Develop a strategy to communicate regularly on these platforms. Share regular messages that are of interest to our target audience on all platforms simultaneously. These can be news about the company's results, changes affecting the industry, snapshots of the company's life and almost anything interesting that may interest our target audience.

  4. Pictures and videos
    Since we live in a strongly audiovisual world, we should preferably use images and videos in our communications. There is no need to commission professional photographers and invite Hollywood film crews. The point is to communicate with images and videos, because this will attract people's interest much more than a simple text message. A message recorded with a mobile phone from the company manager, a photo of the company's team builder and a video recording of us accepting a professional award are worth more than a thousand words.

  5. Let's revive the relationships!
    The goal in all cases with the above is obviously to have as many followers and likers as possible, who are constantly following the developments related to our company. It's one level higher than that if we can get these followers to become live by getting them to comment on a post, share an interesting article we've written, participate in games and polls, in short, have active followers . Our future colleagues will come from among them and from their immediate environment.

  6. Let's convey a lot of value and hide an ad in it.
    It is very important to convey mainly valuable content on these surfaces and to hide only one ad in it, at a ratio of approximately 1:10. These can be job advertisements, advertisements, promotions, but definitely much less than professional content. If used properly, these few advertisements will be much more effective and efficient than running huge budget advertising campaigns.

  7. The end is here, let's not spoil it now!
    If thanks to the above ─ and if you follow everything I wrote, then you will succeed ─ in getting applicants for our job advertisements, then it is very important that if we get to the personal meeting, then even there one of our most important tasks is to sell the company to towards candidates and make them want to work for us. In truth, this should be the first step, and only then should we further filter those candidates who already want to work for us.