In the last few years, the labor market and the opportunities for employers have changed significantly. In many cases, well-known, globally known companies outsource their searches to consulting companies, otherwise known as recruitment agencies. Many employees are averse or scared when they see that they can only apply for a given job through a consulting company. However, there are many advantages and a lot of positives. According to statistics, only 18% of the vacancies are filled by employers through job advertisements. This therefore gives you a reason to search for new solutions in job search methods. Find out why you should apply through a consulting company:

  • New job opportunities will open up for you. There are successful companies that find the relevant candidate only through a consultant. This way there will be jobs that you can only get into in this way. Consulting companies have up to hundreds of active partners at the same time, so they can apply for several positions at the same time. 
  • Personalized advice and process. During the job search process, the consulting company provides useful information: as a first step, it prepares you for a successful interview before meeting with the company. During the job search, you can ask more freely not only about the job, but the consultant will be happy to provide them with information about the labor market characteristics and current state of the given field of expertise. 
  • Informed, high-quality partner circle: Most consulting companies help their clients only under certain conditions and work with a filtered circle of partners. For example, outsource labor to legally employing and competitive companies. 
  • A much more transparent application process. You can continuously monitor the route and current status of your application. That way, you don't have to worry about whether your application has actually been received or whether you will receive feedback. During the application process, you will always have someone to turn to if you have any questions.
  • Plus you get a support function. Companies place their utmost trust in a well-proven consulting company, so they give their opinion. The consultant can positively represent you at the given company.


  • We will accompany you all the way to your entrance. You can contact the representative of the consulting company not only during the selection process, they are by your side all the way up to the day you start work, and they support you every step of the way in relation to your questions and problems. Isn't it always good to have the support of several people at the same time on a big career ladder?


  • You get a long-term career opportunity. Your resume will remain available in the consulting company's system, so they will be able to search later with their personalized job opportunities.